Case Study: Boosting Social Media Presence for a Hotel Management Institute

Nexaminds Case Study Boosting Social Media Presence

Client Overview

Our client, a prestigious hotel management institute, aimed to increase their social media presence to attract prospective students and engage their current student body. They sought to enhance their visibility and reach on Facebook through both organic and paid campaigns.


  • Increase followers and engagement on Facebook.
  • Generate potential leads for their seminars.
  • Foster a community of engaged students to promote the institute’s activities and achievements.

Strategy and Implementation

1. Organic Growth Strategy

    Leveraging Student Engagement

    We crafted a strategy that focused on using the institute’s own students as brand ambassadors. This approach involved:

    • Student Ambassadors: Selected enthusiastic students to regularly engage with the institute’s Facebook posts. They liked, shared, and commented on the content, creating a ripple effect of engagement.
    • User-Generated Content: Encouraged students to create and share content related to their experiences at the institute, such as photos, testimonials, and event highlights.
    • Interactive Posts: Created polls, quizzes, and interactive posts to encourage participation and interaction from both current and prospective students.
    Facebook Content Reach

    2. Paid Campaigns

    Driving Leads for Seminars

    To complement the organic strategy, we designed targeted paid campaigns aimed at generating leads for the institute’s seminars. The key components included:

      • Audience Targeting: Utilized Facebook’s advanced targeting options to reach potential students based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
      • Compelling Ad Creatives: Developed visually appealing and informative ad creatives that highlighted the benefits of attending the seminars.
      • Lead Generation Forms: Implemented Facebook Lead Ads to collect information from interested individuals directly on the platform.


      Organic Campaign Outcomes

      • Increased Engagement: The engagement on Facebook posts saw a significant rise, with a 200% increase in likes, shares, and comments over six months.
      • Follower Growth: The institute’s Facebook page followers grew by 354% organically, driven by the active participation of the student community.
      Facebook Followers Growth

      Paid Campaign Outcomes

      • Lead Generation Success: The paid campaigns resulted in a 50% increase in attendance at the institute’s seminars, with a substantial number of potential students expressing interest through the lead forms.
      • Cost-Effective Results: Achieved a high return on ad spend (ROAS) by targeting the right audience segments and optimizing ad placements.


      By combining an effective organic growth strategy with targeted paid campaigns, Nexaminds successfully boosted the social media presence of the hotel management institute. The dual approach not only increased engagement and followers on Facebook but also generated valuable leads for the institute’s seminars.

      The institute now enjoys a vibrant and active social media presence, helping them attract and retain students while promoting their educational offerings. This case study demonstrates the power of a well-rounded social media strategy in achieving significant results.

      Client’s Facebook Page: Visit their Facebook Page

      Get in touch with Nexaminds today to discover how we can increase your social media followers, engagement and get effective leads through social media Ad campaigns, thus achieving your business goals.

      Nexaminds Social Media Marketing